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2011最新魔术道具Rattled by Dan Hauss

2011-06-03 15:34:42 作者:兰色-死鱼 来源:超人联盟 阅读:1551

Rattled by Dan Hauss
Bottle Cap + Coin = PURE MAGIC
今天收到E公司的邮件,Dan Hauss的最新创意魔术道具Rattled。  一个硬币转换位置的C果,或者让小物件消失转移,非常有创意!  大家来看看



You unscrew the plain white cap off your water bottle and put a coin under the bottle cap. You take a step back from the table so there's no way you can get near the cap or the coin.

Your friend now shakes the cap and definitely HEARS and FEELS the coin RATTLE inside.

And without you touching ANYTHING she shakes the cap again...and the RATTLING suddenly STOPS! Just stunning empty SILENCE.

She looks under the cap...the coin has VANISHED! The empty cap can be closely examined. No coin, no rattle sound, nothing. Just an innocent plastic bottle cap and you've been standing away from everything the entire time!

You can then place a glass under the table..."CLINK"... and the coin drops through the table into the glass! OR...the vanished coin appears under a second empty cap that's been held by someone else! (Dan's ingenious gimmick does the work for you).

You Have Options!




标签:Rattled  by  Dan  Hauss  



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