2011 最新花式教学 陀螺 Gyroscope by Dan and Dave

2011_最新花式教学_陀螺_Gyroscope_by_Dan_and_Dave 图1

Allan为Dan Buck拍摄的一段名为Dusk/Dawn的视频的其中一个花式教学,也是DD在2011年万圣节放出的新教学。

Check out this awesome new variation of Sybil and be inspired to create your own card flourishes. Gyroscope was first featured in the video Dusk/Dawn by Allan Hagen and now makes its official debut.

This Halloween treat yourself to an awesome new variation of Sybil and be inspired to create your own card flourishes. Gyroscope was first featured in the video Dusk/Dawn by Allan Hagen and now makes its official debut.


