遗失的实用心灵神作 Spelmann and Nardi 的不可预料

遗失的实用心灵神作_Spelmann_and_Nardi_的不可预料 图1


Disc One:
Fist Full Of Dollars
- An incredible opener for any impromptu situation. Give your spectator a chance to win some cold hard cash. All they have to do is guess which hand holds the money!
Drinks On The Patio- A great little performance piece to do when you're in a bar. A lovely lady is requested to help out and as a thank you will buy her a drink..
Take Note- Your spectator takes part in a little game of chance. 3 notes of different values are placed on the table. You write a prediction on a business card which remains on full view throughout. Using your powers of persuasion you manage to influence their choice of note!
Perfect ESP- A quick & simple ESP match up routine.
Single Handed Geller- Marc's ultra slick one handed coin bend.
Underhand Thoughts- An unbelievable impromptu drawing duplication that will get you out of trouble!
Three For The Money- A three-phase performance piece which highlights your ability to predict your spectators actions.
Disc Two:
A Tribute To Mr Kane
- This is an Impromptu version of Kane's variant. A great gambling effect using only 5 business cards and some money.
Feel- A spectator holds an imaginary object in their cupped hands. You concentrate and tell them exactly what they are holding!
Serial Killer Lite- Your spectator removes a bill from their wallet and folds it up. They then place it under an upturned wine glass. You then call off the serial number.
Busch Brain Buster- No DVD on mentalism would be complete without a book, magazine or newspaper test. Reveal a freely chosen word from any newspaper, book or magazine & describe an item your spectator has locked in their mind!
Two's Company- A discussion on using a friend, partner or family member to code you simple information.
This is a double DVD set full of killer material for that impromptu performance!


