2011 T11 扑克心灵拼写Spell by Shin Lim

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2011 T11 扑克 心灵 拼写 Spell by Shin Lim




Shin Lim在各大魔术网站转了一圈终于回到了T11.。。。。还是和那姑娘一起拍的演示,还是那间红色的房子,还是衬衫领带。这次是一个扑克心灵魔术,神奇度不输给Think。网上有些没看过教学就瞎写的卖家说这个流程是Self Working的,我只想说:Self Working你妹!!!!!


You hand the deck to a spectator and instruct him or her to shuffle the deck and select any card. You instruct them to lose the card into the deck without you touching it in anyway. No funny movements and you are completely clean at this point. The deck is now in their control the entire time. You then instruct the spectator to spell out the selected playing card, with each card dealt representing a letter. Once she does so, the audience will realize that the final letter will be the freely selected card. THIS IS SPELL. -No Gimmicks -No Stacks -Completely impromptu -No gaffs -No forcing -No peeking

The purchase includes an instructional PDF, along with an instructional video tutorial. Shot in 1080p HD, Shin goes over specific moves from multiple angles.

Learn now from F.I.S.M-NACM, I.B.M, WMS winner Shin Lim!


