刀穿手指 "恐怖的魔术教学" Paul Harris - Ladybug

Paul Harris - Ladybug 刀穿手指 "恐怖的魔术"


刀穿手指_"恐怖的魔术教学"_Paul_Harris_-_Ladybug 图1


For that make-or-break performance when nothing but the creation of life will do! You bring the crowd in close, then open a small pocket knife. Your hands are otherwise empty. The blade is seen to be normal.


Placing blade on bare flesh, you pierce a fingertip and squeeze out a single drop of blood. Again, both hands are seen to be completely empty except for the single drop of blood on your fingertip. You carefully show both sides of a fingertip from your other hand and slowly press it down onto the drop of blood. You silently wait there for a moment, fingertip to fingertip. You slowly lift one finger and the drop of blood is gone! In it's place, perched on the end of your finger, is a living breathing ladybug!


The creation of life...on the tip of your finger.


Start and finish clean.

Practical, easy, real world handling.

Resets with another ladybug in 30 seconds.

Neither the performer nor ladybug are harmed during the effect!

Alternate "non-bug" presentation to transform the drop of blood into a tiny heart.

No actual piercing of flesh is required.

Optional handling leaves the ladybug sealed inside a clear plastic bag.

Includes custom-engineered knife, carrying case, and DVD instructional.

Ladybug resource guide: You can easily obtain enough ladybugs for hundreds of performances. The ladybugs are shipped in a self contained package and require no feeding or care.



