世界魔术大会演讲 Quentin Reynolds - Perform Like A Pro

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世界魔术大会演讲 Quentin Reynolds - Perform Like A Pro
这是Quentin Reynolds 2004年在拉斯维加斯世界魔术大会上的演讲,演讲的主题是如何成为一个专业的魔术师。也许我们曾经都有这样的困扰,为什么一个手法精湛,富有天分的魔术师的表演常常遭遇冷场,而一个资质平平的魔术师却常常可以让现场的气氛沸腾。在这个演讲中Quentin Reynolds就是要向我们阐述这两种不同的类型,并提出改进措施,你将在不改变流程的情况下,只需要做一些结构上的调整,就可以得到意想不到的收获,受到观众的欢迎,获得观众的热烈掌声。寓理论说教于流程教学之中。

Have you ever wondered why one magician with skill, talent, and a pleasant personality gets minimal reaction from his audience while another with equal or less talent can bring the house down. Most magicians think it is about the tricks, whereas it is actually about the experience you create for your audience. The tricks are only the tools to help you create this experience. On this DVD, taped live at The World Magic Seminar in Las Vegas, Quentin Reynolds shows you how to double the reaction to your current repertoire without changing any effect. While speaking from his experience as a children's entertainer, the principles shared here apply to any magical performance from-close-up to stage. You will discover: The simple formula on how to create a world class act, how to develop your most Suitable performing style, the single most common mistake made by stage magicians, the correct use of silence in your show, how to elicit gasps, how to build the magical moment, and how to build a balanced show so everything flows easily, Quentin uses examples from his own repertoire to illustrate the points he makes. With 30 years experience as a professional magician and over 10,000 children's shows in every conceivable performing condition, Quentin explains simply and clearly how you can perform like a pro and dramatically improve the audience reaction at every show you do. What people are saying: "Finally, a huge surprise for me was Quentin Reynolds. I do not do kid's shows. But I went to his lecture. BRILLIANT! This is a man who has thought about entertaining young people. He recognizes there are other styles than 'Hi, I'm Mr. Goofy let's scream and yell a lot and make your parents think you are having fun!' His magic was well thought out, and his approach to understanding the dynamics of children's magic should be considered by anyone thinking of doing a birthday party." - Brad Henderson


