WGM - Color Changing Knives 世界最好的魔术系列之变色小刀

WGM_-_Color_Changing_Knives_世界最好的魔术系列之变色小刀 图1

WGM - Color Changing Knives 世界最好的魔术系列之变色小刀


The invention of the Color-Changing Knives is usually credited to illusion designer Walter Jeans and as the effect began to enter the literature of magic in the 1930’s, close-up magicians were immediately taken by the visual nature of the trick. Over the years, a good number of the world’s top close-up performers have presented the knives as a part of their professional repertoires and five of them are on this volume to show you their astounding versions.

Bill Malone

  • Johnny Thompson
  • René Lavand
  • Steve Draun
  • Daryl
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