2013 T11发行 想牌消失 Phantom by Bedros Spidey Akkelian

2013_T11发行_想牌消失_Phantom_by_Bedros_Spidey_Akkelian 图1

2013 Theory 11 想牌消失 Psycho by Spidey - Bedros Akkelian



 Phantom by Spidey A demonstration of astral projection - remote viewing.

The spectator is asked to THINK of any card they see. Spread the deck - and it's GONE. Where did it go? It was in their hands the entire time.

You give half of the deck to the spectator. You take the remaining half, and riffle through the faces. The spectator is asked to THINK of any card they see — it's a free selection.

Instantly, you spread through the cards and show that the card they were THINKING of is GONE. Vanished. It was merely a PHANTOM. Where did it go? It’s been in THEIR hands all along. You even know it’s position - from a face down pile.

Phantom is Spidey’s adaptation of classic principles published by Theodore Annemann, Franklin Taylor, and Charles Jordan.

A demonstration of astral projection or remote viewing. The ability to gather information from a distant or unseen target using extra-sensory perception (ESP).

Learn with 20 minutes of detailed instruction, complete with real world performance advice and additional presentations. Special thanks to Max Maven and Nathan Kranzo for assistance with crediting and historical research.


