2013 JM发行 火柴燃烧复原 Burned Vision By Justin Miller

2013_JM发行_火柴燃烧复原_Burned_Vision_By_Justin_Miller 图1

2013 JM发行 火柴燃烧复原 Burned Vision By Justin Miller



 JM Presents Burned Vision by Mark Melchor and Justin Miller

!JUST ADDED BURNED! JM's NEW effect using a modified Burned Vision gimmick where you can cause a fully un-lit pack of matches burn in their hands.

"Mark and I have been working on this effect for close to a year now and we are finally ready to bring it to you. It is super sexy, it is completely outside the box thinking all wrapped up in a fully-self contained pocket miracle" -JM-

(remember magi's you are seeing EXACTLY what your audience will see and feel)

"This is one of the best effects I've seen in a long time. 
Visual and simple, the best kind of magic. Burned Vision, Sulfur, Lit. Now that's a knockout routine" -Blindside-

"Burned Vision is one of the best pieces of magic I've ever come across. I put a new one, from the bunch I made up, in my wallet this morning. I want to always have this on me, ready to go" -Zombie-

"Simple set-up, simple execution, deep emotional connection with the spectator equaling a very strong piece of magic that can end in the spectator's hand! As usual JM shares great detail in his motives and instructions that takes an already strong piece of visual magic to the next level and creates a whole "magical journey" for the spectator and audience. For $8.95 this is really a no brainer, buy it" - RNK-

" Really nice emotional hook built right into the effect. This is a really powerful piece of magic " -tc-

"FUCKING beautiful! Organic, in their face magic! The secret is as sweet as the effect" -CK-

"It is very astonishing! One more time Justin proposes us a magic trick that looks like real magic! Good work Justin and Mark" -Jean-

You introduce a pack of matches and you patter on the subject of visions, what is real, what is not real. They light the pack of matches, the matches are then shown to have left a burn mark across the cover of the pack. The matches are placed back inside the cover and VISUALLY the burn marks vanish! Commenting on how the burn marks were a physical reminder of an action that took place, if they are gone then the matches must be...THEY open up the pack and the matches are fully restored!

Only 1 pack of matches are used!
There are no switches!
MINIMAL Sleight of hand needed (like almost self-working) 
There are 2 version taught signed and non-signed!
Resets in less than 5 seconds!
Easy to make gimmick takes less than a minute to make so you can easily make more!
SUPER EASY to perform!
The pack never leaves their sight!
This is the PERFECT pocket Close-Up Miracle when card, and coin tricks just won't cut it.

Get Burned Vision TODAY!


