2014 旅行牌叠2.0 Travelling Deck 2.0 by Takel

2014_旅行牌叠2.0_Travelling_Deck_2.0_by_Takel 图1

【教学名称】:Travelling Deck 2.0 by Takel


【道具需求】:需要 (可自製)


【影片介绍】:魔術師從牌盒拿出一副牌,然後整副牌消失,只剩下一張牌在魔術師的手上,其他的牌都跑回牌盒裡了,以上的效果對魔術師而言似乎沒什麼,但是 Takel 做了不一樣的改變,接著魔術師拿起手上的一張牌,慢慢的搖晃,搖晃,手上的一張牌居然慢慢的變多,變多,最後變成一副牌,而且可以展牌給大家檢查!




Now with a brand new second gimmick, not only are you able to vanish a pack of cards but the box as well!

Hold a card box with you hand; instantly, in front of the spectator, the card box disappears leaving you with a single card. Just as instantly you can makethe whole deck disappear leaving you with a single card right in front of your spectator.

Imagine the scene - you take a pack of cards out of a card box. Then the entire deck vanishes with the exception of one card. You explain to the spectator that the deck has gone back inside the card box. You go back to the card box and take out the pack of cards - Amazing!

This is one of many routines that are possible with the 'Travelling Deck' gimmick.
Each gimmick is custom made, by hand.

The accompanying DVD explains a range of possible 'Travelling Deck' routines; for example, change a deck of cards into a currency note or a 52 on 1 card. We explain how to modify and repair your gimmick if necessary. Also included on the DVD are four, complete routines as well as a host of ideas and suggestions.

You will find it hard to put the 'Travelling Deck' down. It's fun to perform and peoples' reactions to it are just out of this world!

No pulls, toppits or difficult sleights.

The perfect opening for any table hopper.

"I cannot wait to start performing this"
- Jay Sankey

"That is so good"
- Cyril Takayama

"That is so visual"
- Rocco

下载链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dD7sGnR


