2014 阴魂不散效果 Flap Cards by Alexis De La Fuente

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【教学名称】:Flap Cards by Alexis De La Fuente

经典效果全新演绎,效果超级直观!道具自制 非常简单 ,视频教授了整个制作过程。

Want a sure fire gimmick that can achieve some pure visual moment of magic ?

Want something that will make your spectator's eyes pop out ?

Wait.. This sounds like a hyped trick, directly from the biggest industry in magic. While the effect is as visual as I told you, this download is a little more casual than most of the DVD you already have. Casual but filled with tips, information, very detailed instruction about how to make your own flap cards.

Don't be scared, this is very easy to make ! You can also repair it very quickly and adjust the tension of your gimmick.

Did I mention it costs nearly nothing ? (well, a little bit of your time but not that much)

Prepared yourself to achieve some of the most visual magic you've ever seen.

As a BONUS, I include my personal effect called "Sign" which can be the end of your ambitious card routine. Make your signature jump in the deck.
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