2015 三重巴格拉斯 AX3 by Daniel Madison

2015 三重巴格拉斯 AX3 by Daniel Madison 图1

【教学名称】: Ken Dyne Penguin Live Online Lecture







【影片介绍】:DANIEL MADISON 最新流程——AX3。此流程不需任何道具,100%完全即興。魔術師先預測3張牌,然後觀眾隨意選擇3個號碼,先前預測的3張牌出現在觀眾所選的三個號碼。

This is one of Madison's most deceptive displays of impossibility ...a "card at any number", but with triple the impact.
AX3 is so improbable you could perform this effect once per day for BILLIONS of years with a different outcome every single time.
With your spectators having more chance of winning the lottery, AX3 hits its target every time and is one of Madison's best kept secrets. 
- Borrowed Deck 
- Spectator Shuffles 
- Numbers are named AFTER prediction is made 
- No memory work involved 
Download now. 
Format: Download/Stream
Difficulty: Intermediate 

Duration: 38 Minutes

 2015 三重巴格拉斯 AX3 by Daniel Madison 图2


