2015 笔尖魔术 Class 1 by ZiHu Team

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【教学a称】:Class 1 by ZiHu Team


Something that definitely makes you stand out in your classroom.

Hello, We are ZiHu Team and this is one of our new Project. We call this series "CLASS Pr?6?9ject". This is our effort to bring to everyone magic tricks that are very practical, easy to perform and fully examine. You can use it for street performances or simply make yourself stand out in your classroom.

The CLASS 1 is a small game of the students in VIET NAM. With the same idea that we transform it into a magic trick. You borrow a pen and then surprise everyone, everything can be examined and so is easy to perform. The following is some information you need to know:

? Anytime, anywhere. 
? Gimmick extremely easy (no magnet, no tape, no invisible thread), takes about 30 seconds to create.
? No need to practice, perform easily.
? Working with borrowed pen
? Absolutely can check immediately.
? The 14-minute instructional HD-Video and the pdf file is attached.
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