2015扑克变钞票 BASH! by Xeon Steel

2015扑克变钞票_BASH!_by_Xeon_Steel 图1
【教学名称】:BASH! by Xeon Steel 

From the mind of Xeon Steel, comes "BASH". Inspired by Xeon's own previous effect, "FIVE", Xeon brings you a fast, super visual box change like no other and will leave your audience confused! Perform it anytime, anywhere. Start with your own ambitious card routine and end it with a box change your audience will not even expect.

A bonus feature, another one of Xeon's own creations, "The Sway". Another super visual box change. Both changes are easy to do and instant reset. "BASH" has the option of a 1 bill change, 2, 3, 4 or even up "52" $1 bills to represent 52 cards for an extreme visual change!
2015扑克变钞票_BASH!_by_Xeon_Steel 图2


