2012 翻转姐妹升级版 Twsited Sisters 2.0 by John Bannoon

2012_翻转姐妹升级版_Twsited_Sisters_2.0_by_John_Bannoon 图1

John Bannoon的标志性流程Twsited Sisters的2.0版本,更强更给力!此流程逻辑性比较强,观看演示的时候不要开小差才能领悟它的神奇之处,教学十分详细!


A diabolical effect from the creative mind of John Bannon, it is one of magic's all time best-sellers.
No skill or sleight of hand required!
Show two packets of face-down cards, each packet containing four cards. One packet is red-backed; the other is blue backed. Place the packets on the table. Ask a spectator to select either packet, red or blue. Whichever packet he chooses you use. No force.
Ask the spectator to imagine that his packet consists of four face-down Queens. Ask him to merely think of one of the Queens: Hearts, Clubs, Spades or Diamonds.A totally free choice.
Ask a second spectator to concentrate on the remaining four-card packet. He is to think of a different Queen than the first spectator's.
Now, without touching the cards, you claim that you have caused the two selections to change place! The first spectator names his card. You spread the packet. There is one card face up.It is the selected Queen!
Do the same with the second packet. The second spectator's card is the only one face up! It's an absolute miracle.But, it's not over yet
Explain that if the cards really changed place, thebacksof the selected Queens would have also changed place. The face-up Queen in the red packet is turned over. It has ablue back! The face-up Queen in the blue packet is turned over. It has a red back! Unbelievable.But, it's not over yet!
Point out that it is very interesting that the two spectators selected the Queens they did, because therest of the cardsare all Jokers!! Turn them all face up to prove it! Yikes! A killer effect!
How many moves does the routine require? None! Not even one! No sleight of hand required. Everyone will be fooled byTwisted Sisters, even the wise guys who've seen it all!
The method is simple and elegant. The plot is clear and concise. The effect is as close to real magic as you can get!
Now, for the first time, John Bannon takes you for an in depth look at this modern day classic filmed live in Las Vegas.
Includes the thorough instructional DVD, a downloadable PDF of the original detailed instruction booklet, and all of the necessary cards in US Bicycle Mandolin backs so you can immediately perform and amaze your audiences with John Bannon'sTwisted Sisters.
Note: This is a non-discountable item.


