魔术教学 终极翻转扑克 Ultimate Backflip by Jeremy Pei

魔术教学_终极翻转扑克_Ultimate_Backflip_by_Jeremy_Pei 图1

终极翻转扑克 Ultimate Backflip by Jeremy Pei



无需购买牌组,无需双面牌等特殊牌,只需要3张一样花色不同牌背的牌,另加其他2张牌,共5张牌 自己用几副牌组合组合一下就可表演。

The magician displays four face-down red Bicycle cards all of which are the same value. One card is turned face-up and all the other cards magically turn over! One card is then turned face-down and the rest of the cards magically follow again and turn face-down! One card is then set aside and the remaining three turn face-up, one at a time. Suddenly, the card placed aside is back in the packet! Now, two of the cards are revealed to have different backs from the rest and the other two have different faces!

  • Resets quickly
  • All of the cards may be examined at the conclusion of the routine
  • Instructions also contain another version for the advanced card worker where the cards visually turn face-up in the spectator's hands


