2012 地下创意近景Completing the Cut by Ryan Schlutz

2012_地下创意近景Completing_the_Cut_by_Ryan_Schlutz 图1

2012 Completing the Cut by Ryan Schlutz 地下创意近景魔术教学

发明了Pivotal Peek 这个超强窥牌术和那个“三重感官找牌”流程的地下近景魔术师Ryan Schlutz在Vanishing官网发布的新作!近景合集!






  1. Ryan Schlutz is a nice guy. He’s easygoing, intelligent and has a certain twinkle in his eye that just makes you want to trust him; which makes him fooling you all the more enjoyable. Point in truth is that Ryan Schlutz is one clever guy with an offering of original workable card magic which incorporates new handlings of old classics, some eye candy and a clever combination of principles that lead to some pretty devastating magic for both laymen and magicians. All of which can be found in his first full DVD release from Vanishing Inc. Magic. Now some of you may already be familiar with Mr. Schlutz from his previous online releases such as his “Pivotal Peek”, “Sense-Sational” or maybe even his hard cover book “Making The Cut: A Peek Into The Magic Of Ryan Schlutz” but if not, that’s ok. I know most of you are too lazy to read and you’re missing out. But with that being said it’s my pleasure to introduce to you “Completing the Cut: The Magic of Ryan Schlutz”.

    Some of the Magic:
    Starting off the disc is “The Mayhew” which is Schlutz’s handling of the classic magnetized cards effect. Although not completely impromptu (It’ll require a few extra items but nothing that’ll break the bank) it does provide some stunning visuals and a very pretty final image of a selected card being caught at the fingertips. Having based it off of Gary Plant’s handling, Schlutz has provided us with a method that is not nearly as involved nor time consuming as previous versions but yet packs the same punch. It may not appeal to all purists per se, but you can’t get much more of a visual and memorable an effect such as this one. It’s now my closer to my formal set. “Insignia”, which saw print previously in his book, is a flurry like commercial effect ending in the spectator receiving their signed card with the performers’ contact information on it AFTER having appeared behind the performers name-tag and some other magical happenings, of course. Workers will see the potential in this automatically but it does come at the cost of a partial one time set up. Rest assured that it’s well worth it. On a side note, I firmly hold the belief that leaving a spectator with an impossible object after a magical happening of sorts is one of the strongest things that we as Magicians can provide for a lay audience. Having a memento that seems to freeze the magic, like a double-sided signed card or a bent quarter, does not merely provide a memory but proof that something magical did indeed occur. Mr. Schlutz has found a way, in two of the routines on this disc, to do just that in a totally justified and non-over the top manner. Such as in the previously mentioned effect as well as his “Elementary Spoon Bending” which many of you will be tempted to treat as throw away. Don’t, because if you do you won’t be as cool as you think you are.

    Incorporating a basic principle, some ideas from Frank Garcia and the use of an almost impromptu shiner off of a watch band is Schlutz’s “E.S Location” which will appeal to those who like to take a risk in their card magic from time to time. I do have to admit, the E.S Location is one that’ll make you feel more like James Bond as opposed to a magician if done correctly and will fool the boys at the next convention. “When in Doubt, Read a Palm” is a type of Stranger Card effect but even stranger. The presentation is appealing and the magic is the type of thing that laymen react strongly to. Besides learning the method, Schlutz also briefly touches on a method for printing the needed card which itself is something that provides endless possibilities for others who may have those creative juices flowing.

    The above are five out of the seven routines included on the disc, the last two which I won’t mention, will be left as surprises for those whom decide to take the plunge in purchasing the DVD. They just happen to be two of my personal favorites, one of them having fooled me bad at Genii’s 75th Birthday Bash which resulted in some rather vulgar language directed towards Mr. Schlutz, but I digress. Besides the seven routines taught on the DVD Mr. Schlutz also provides a “Moves” segment in which he discusses two ace productions, two versions of his “Black Hole” pop-out move and his personal double lift which he calls the “Schlutzick”. The double, bearing resemblance to the Curry double, is nothing out of this world but you may find it to your liking. The first of the Ace productions, “Sprung Aces”, also having been printed in his book, utilizes his take on a classic card & rubber band production but ends up having the card(s) pop out perpendicular to the rest of the deck. His “Otto Aces” is nothing over the top but once again adds to the various aces productions surfacing around which can be done in the hands and for half of the practice. The real beauty for some visual workers will be found in his “Black Hole Pop Out” move and its variation which is a nice segment to throw into your sandwich routines. It really does seem to appear as if the space between the two sandwich cards actually creates a black hole from which you pull a selected card from. Its variation allows the card to shoot out with a bit of finesse added.

    The Disc
    Having been produced by Vanishing Inc. Magic, which has a record for delivering some top notch products, I was a bit surprised with this DVD. It’s short and simple. No fancy music lead ins, background music, multiple shots or Easter eggs. Personally, this wasn’t a problem at all. It’s nice to have a regular DVD that takes you straight to the stuff you bought instead of fluff material but it may bother some of you who are used to over produced DVDs. You’ll pay for a DVD for the magic here, not for a DVD itself. During the performances and tutorial segments Schlutz is joined by two of his magician buddies who help in clarifying certain points as well as providing some commentary. I do wish there had been live performances for a lay audience but this served just as well. Now, for the crediting and actual tutorial segments; it did appear as if the tutorial segments were not rehearsed or thoroughly well thought out which led to some stumbling at certain points which became slightly agitating. That’s just a personal preference but then again this isn’t a Buck twin who’s explaining, it’s good to actually have a real live person teach as opposed to a robot. As far as crediting goes, Schlutz does a good but rather vague job in crediting his sources throughout his teach ins. I’ve never been a prude when it comes to others crediting sources (No one ever seems to be truly satisfied when comes to this issue) but many of you out there will. Bear in mind that Schlutz does have an extensive list of sources and knows them well, just look at his book, but don’t expect all of them to be listed at the end of the DVD. Just listen closely throughout his explanations, they’re in there.

    In summary
    At the end of the day Mr. Schlutz along with Vanishing Inc. has provided the magic community with a DVD that is packed with commercial and memorable material suitable for just about anyone who is a real life worker. Simple, direct and devious, that’s Mr. Schlutz’s style and I like it. Granted, it may not be for everybody but you are sure to find one or two pieces that will go straight into your performing repertoire. If you’re into magic by the likes of Bannon, Guastaferro and Hartman, then this disc is for you. It’s short in length, roughly about 95 minutes, but packed with great material that everybody should pay some attention to. You won’t regret it. So go ahead, pop it in and pick up your deck because after you’re done with it you’ll be doing more than just completing the cut. Well done, Mr. Schlutz. Well done.

    Magically yours,


