2013 T11近景扑克魔术 猛鬼起身 Hellraiser by Arnel Renegado

2013_T11近景扑克魔术_猛鬼起身_Hellraiser_by_Arnel_Renegado 图1

2013 T11纸牌魔术 猛鬼起身 Hellraiser by Arnel Renegado

(需要道具 可自制)


HELLRAISER is a brand new effect from Arnel Renegado where a spectator selects a card and signs it. The magician then draws any image he wants on the back of that card. Suddenly, mysteriously, the image moves and rises by itself away from the card. The writing then floats back down and the card is given out for examination.

*Immediately hand the card out for examination, any chosen card, easy to do and perform.


